
Prominent members of the European Council combat violence against women and domestic violence

Member of the Permanent Delegation of the BiH PA in the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council (PACE) and first deputy chairman of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination Council of Europe, Ismeta Dervoz, read today in Strasbourg passages from the book “Mortally Wounded” by Italian author Serena Dandini, recommended by the Network of PACE members against domestic violence and violence against women.

The book has been translated into five European languages and, through stories about molested women, emphasizes the various facets of violence against women and the continuous fight against it.
Passages were also read by the author of the book, the Chairman of PACE, Anne Brasseur, the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Gabriella Battaini – Dragoni, the French director and photographer, Carole Mathieu – Castelli, as well as seven other prominent members of the Network of PACE members against domestic violence and violence against women, including the Permanent Delegation of BiH PA in PACE member, Ismeta Dervoz.

This is only one of a series of activities to promote and support the ratification and entry into force of the Istanbul Convention, ratified by our country as one of the seven member countries of the European Council. (end)

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