
Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of Jordan spoke with Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (BiH PA)

Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, led by the Committee Chairperson Dr. Hazem Qashou, spoke today in the BiH PA with Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives about the political situation and opportunities for economic and humanitarian co-operation between the two friendly countries.

At the invitation of the Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Dr. Mirza Kušljugić, the Jordanian Parliamentary Delegation paid a five-day official visit to BiH. The Delegation expressed its regret over the victims and devastating consequences of the catastrophic floods and announced Jordan’s aid to our country.

Dr. Qashou stressed that Jordan will support BiH, despite its own difficult humanitarian situation in the wake of more than 1.3 million refugees fleeing from Syria into Jordan. He also added that Jordanians are disappointed at the small amount of international community assistance for Syrian refugees, and asked the hosts to endorse Jordan’s views to the European countries.

Dr. Kušljugić emphasized that our country is faced with enormous human loss and property damage caused by this natural disaster. He stressed that the post-flood reconstruction of water-damaged houses, schools, hospitals and factories will last for at least 4-5 years, and that BiH cannot carry the post-reconstruction burden alone. Dr. Kušljugić announced the possibility of a donor conference to be held in July this year, and urged for the strengthening of economic co-operation between the two countries.

Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the BiH PA House of Representatives, Mr. Salko Sokolović and Mr. Zvonko Jurišić, attended the meeting and spoke with interlocutors about opportunities to establish stronger co-operation between the two countries, particularly in the areas of the armed forces industry, drinking water production and tourism – as a lucrative industry for both countries. (end)

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