
MP Ismeta Dervoz participated in meetings of the Committee of the Council of Europe in Paris

The Committee for Science, Education, Culture and Media in the Council of Europe (CoE) discussed, at today's meeting in Paris, the first draft of a report from the MP and member of the delegation of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Ismeta Dervoz, titled "Cultural heritage in times of crisis and post-crisis situations", with the participation of expert John Bold, a professor at the University of Westminster (UK).

Work on the report will be continued at a meeting of experts, which, organized by the CoE Office in BiH and the CoE General Directorate of Democracy (DGII) will be held on 22 and 23 July in Sarajevo. The aim of the report is to show how to preserve and use cultural heritage as a tool for approximation and recovery in crisis situations and to develop intercultural sensitivity, especially among young people, and to encourage them to interact.

MP Dervoz participated, as First deputy Chairperson, in a meeting of the Committee for Equality and Non-Discrimination of the CoE on the 2 June in Paris. At this meeting, parliamentarians had the opportunity to exchange views with the Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE, Anne Brasseur, during which concern over the situation of the abduction of girls in Nigeria was stressed. Also, an initiative was begun to work on a resolution on the rights to equality and non-discrimination of people with limited abilities.

In the wake of the results of the No Hate Speech Movement, demonstrating that they are aware of the crucial role of politicians in the fight against hatred speech, racism and intolerance, the participants of this large gathering initiated the establishment of an Alliance of parliamentarians in the fight against all forms of hatred.

Additionally, 11 member states of the CoE, who had ratified the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CAHVIO), fulfilled the conditions for its entry into force. Consequently, the Committee for Equality and non-discrimination urged that on 1 August 2014, as the date of entry into force of the CAHVIO, all member states of the CoE commemorate this day. (End)

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