
Permanent committee of the House of Peoples elected

By choosing chairpersons, and the first and second deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA), the permanent committee of the House of Peoples of the BiH PA, was constituted today.

Halid Genjac was elected as Chairperson of the Constitutional Committee of the House of Peoples of the BiH PA, with Barisa Čolak and Sredoje Nović as the First and Second Deputies.Members of this committee are also the delegates Safet Softić, Lilja Zovko and Dragutin Rodić.

The Chair of the Committee for Finance and Budget of the House of Peoples of the BiH PA is Ljilja Zovko, with Darko Babalj as First Deputy Chairperson and Sifet Podžić as the Second Deputy. Members of this committee are also the delegates Zdenka Džambas, Dragutin Rodić and Safet Softić.

Nebojša Radmanović was elected as Chairperson of the Committee for Foreign and Trade Policy, Customs, Transport and Communications of the House of Peoples of the BiH PA, with Sead Kadić as First Deputy Chairpersonand Mario Karamatić as Second Deputy. Members of this committee are also the delegates Ognjen Tadić, Fahrudin Radončić and Martin Raguž.(End)

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