
Delegation of Committee on Foreign Trade Policy, Customs, Transportation and Communications held talks in Moscow with Deputy Chairperson of Upper House and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation

Chair of the Committee on Foreign Trade Policy, Customs, Transportation and Communications of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nebojša Radmanović and his two Deputy Chairs, Sead Kadić and Mario Karamatić held talks in Moscow with Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Federation (Upper Chamber of the Parliament of Russian Federation)) Ilyas UMAKHANOV on the relations between the two countries and the need to enhance cooperation between national parliaments.

Expressing his readiness to meet with delegation of the House of Peoples of the PA BiH at the highest level, Mr. Umakhanov pointed out that he expects a positive decision regarding the non ratified agreements between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairperson of the Upper Chamber of the Parliament of Russian Federation informed the members of the delegation that Social Security Agreement and a Memorandum of Cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism are under preparation.

Members of the Committee on Foreign Trade Policy, Customs, Transport and Communications of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, during their two-day visit to the Russian Federation, met with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Meshkov.
Informing our parliamentarians on the attitudes of Russia regarding current events in the Middle East, relations with neighbouring countries, as well as on the position of Russia in relation to the Western Balkans, enlargement of NATO and the views about the situation in our country, Meshkov expressed his expectation that the visit of BiH parliamentarians will contribute to better understanding and improvement of political and economic cooperation between Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On behalf of our delegation, Mr. Radmanović also expressed his confidence that the two-day talks in Moscow significantly contribute to continue the exchange of visits and cooperation in order to establish better and quality relations between the two countries. (End) 

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