
Bosnia and Herzegovina takes over the chairmanship of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative

Bosnia and Herzegovina took over the chairmanship of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative (CEI) from Macedonia. The CEI is an international multilateral organization which brings together 18 European countries. BiH took over the chairmanship of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CEI at the annual conference of this international organization, held from 9 to 11 December in Skopje.

Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Trajko Veljanoski, wished BiH a succesful chairmanship and expressed his conviction that BiH will succesfully meet the associated challenges in spite of the difficult period during which the countries of the region are being impacted by problems related to the migration crisis,.

BiH is a member of the CEI since July 1992. In addition to Bosnia and Herzegovina, member states in this organization are Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. (end)

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