
Members of the Collegium of both Houses of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly participated in the 14th Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative

Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA) Mladen Bosić, his deputy Borjana Krišto and Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly Bariša Čolak, participated in the 14th Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative, which was held today in Split.

Participants of the conference, hosted by the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Željko Reiner, exchanged views on the contribution of the participating countries of the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative to the comprehensive European response to the migrant crisis, as well as on the added value of the parliamentary cooperation in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region.

In the Joint Statement, adopted by the Speakers of Parliaments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, it was emphasized that the cooperation within the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative is crucial for further development of peace, stability and prosperity in this region, as well as for strengthening of support provided to EU membership candidate countries. In this regard, the conference participants warmly welcomed in a joint statement the submission of the EU membership application, and expressed willingness of EU member states within the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative to share their experiences with EU accession related reforms.

In the debate on the migrant crisis, participants were addressed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH Mladen Bosić, who pointed out that the migrant crisis and waves of refugees fleeing from the war, destruction and poverty, have shaken up the Europe and the region, and made countries that are the route of mass movement of migrants to face big challenges.

Pointing out that the migrant crisis is a Pan-European problem, Mr. Bosić said that no European country can individually respond and said that the cooperation is needed among all EU countries, including member countries of the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative, which, he said, must achieve the best possible cooperation and provide mutual assistance.

Underlining that migrations of population caused by the difficult economic situation do not bypass the Western Balkans region either, Bosić said that it is necessary to boost economic activities and, instead of turning to difficult and painful issues from the past, turn to addressing of economic issues.

Speaking at the session on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic - Ionian region (EUSAIR), Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly, Borjana Krišto, pointed out that the aim of this Strategy, which is a result of the positive experience of cooperation between the governments of the region, is to promote sustainable economic growth and social progress, competitiveness and connectivity in the region, and better integration of the countries that are not yet EU members.
Ms. Krišto said that this Strategy fully meets the new EU approach towards BiH and that it encourages the connectivity of the region, development of tourism, protection of the environment and it promotes economic growth and energy security.

The conference was also attended by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Miro Kovač, MEP Ivana Maletić, and the Secretary General of the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative Fabio Pigliapoco. (End)

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