
Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Ognjen Tadić, at the Third Conference of Parliamentarians of the Danube Region

The Deputy Speaker of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA), Ognjen Tadić, will participate at the third conference of parliamentarians of the Danube region, held from 20 to 22 June in Belgrade.

The conference will open with a panel discussion on "Ccultural heritage and diversity as the basis of European identity in the Danube region from the perspective of Jewish heritage and restitution," which will be introduced by the Member of the European Parliament, Michael Theurer, with panelists including representatives of the World Jewish Organization for restitution, GIZ and the University of Belgrade. In addition to this, a panel discussion on "River passenger transportation and sustainable tourism" will be held, in which there will be presentations by representatives of the Ministry of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, the Agency for the Management of Ports, and of the Committee for Transport and Tourism.

Within the part of the Conference scheduled to be held in the building of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, participants will be addressed by President of the National Assembly, Maja Gojković, as well as the Deputy Director of the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia and the co-ordinator for the Danube Strategy, Ana Ilić. After that, there will be debates on water management and flood prevention in the Danube basin, the development of rail, road and air traffic in the Danube region, and investments in research and science for development of the Danube region.
The "Improvement of National Minorities, Roma Education" project will be presented and the conference will close with the adoption of a joint declaration. (End)

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