
The Chair of the Delegation of PABiH to PACE, Saša Magazinović, at the meeting of the PACE Standing Committee

Stop Military Conflicts as Soon as Possible

The Chair of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Saša Magazinović, is participating in the meeting of the PACE Standing Committee, whose members include the heads of national delegations, political groups, and committees. The session is taking place in Vaduz, as part of the Principality of Liechtenstein's presidency of the Council of Europe.

During his stay in Liechtenstein, Magazinović met with Hereditary Prince Alois von Liechtenstein, a key political figure and the man who has been ruling the country on behalf of his father, Prince Hans Adam II, for 20 years. The meeting took place at Vaduz Castle. Like other world leaders, Prince Alois is well acquainted with Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the session, there was a discussion on the particular importance of building peace and preserving human rights in the ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. The discussion emphasized the catastrophic scale of the committed crimes and the need to stop military conflicts as soon as possible.

The President of PACE, Tiny Kox, warned about human rights violations in the member countries of the Council of Europe and called for respect for the European Convention on Human Rights and the implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

The President of the Parliament of Liechtenstein (Landtag), Albert Frick, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dominique Hasler also addressed the members of the PACE Standing Committee. Apart from emphasizing the symbiosis of representative power and the regent's authority from the ruling dynasty as a model allowing for significant democracy in the country, they spoke about the priorities of Liechtenstein's presidency of the Council of Europe. In this regard, they particularly emphasized strengthening fundamental values such as human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, as well as the implementation of the conclusions of the Summit in Reykjavík regarding accountability for crimes during the Russian aggression on Ukraine. The implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights will be a focus of Liechtenstein's presidency, with special attention to issues of freedom of expression and the safety of journalists, as well as topics related to children, youth, education, the environment, artificial intelligence, and the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

As part of the PACE Standing Committee session, a panel discussion was held on the Vigdis Award for the Empowerment of Women, chaired by Maria Mezetseva, a Ukrainian representative and chair of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination. Members of the PACE Standing Committee and representatives of Liechtenstein's civil society participated in the discussion.

During the session, there was also a discussion on preparations for the PACE Winter Session, scheduled for January 2024, in which the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina will participate. (End)

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