
Dr. Denis Bećirović, Speaker of the House of Representatives met the President of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

At today’s meeting between Dr. Denis Bećirović (Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and John Bercow (President of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)) it was noted that relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are good and stable, and are looking forward to continuous expansion and improvement.

Dr. Bećirović, expressed his satisfaction that after nearly two decades since the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the first official working meeting between the Speakers of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliament of the United Kingdom was organized. He also gave thanks for the great engagement of this friendly country in the post-war reconstruction and overall development of democratic processes in BiH. People and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina highly appreciate the fact that, the United Kingdom still principally protects and supports the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives said among other things that as one of the witnesses of the Dayton Peace Agreement and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the United Kingdom is one of the most important foreign policy destinations for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, we are interested in establishing an active and productive co-operation with the highest representatives of the British executive and legislative powers.

Strategic foreign policy objectives of which Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot and must not give up are memberships in the EU and NATO, as well as the development of the regional co-operation. However, Dr. Bećirović added that the most important priority for Bosnia and Herzegovina is full membership in the NATO alliance, because it means ensuring lasting stability, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the region and throughout Europe. At the same time, NATO membership is an important prerequisite for a stronger and more dynamic economic development of BiH and the best call to attract direct foreign investment in our country. Our wish is that in 2014, on the anniversary of the start of the First World War, Bosnia and Herzegovina sends out a message of peace, co-operation and security.

President Bercow expressed full support of Great Britain to Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He thanked his guest on activities that contribute to better connections between the legislative bodies and the development of overall co-operation between the two countries, adding that British officials are determined to provide our country with all necessary support at bilateral and multilateral levels, to help BiH to achieve its strategic goals as soon as possible - entry into EU and NATO membership. In this context, the UK has implemented a number of projects to enable public administration, civil society and the education system in BiH to become more efficient in order to achieve EU integration. The doors of the EU and NATO are open, and according to the words of President Bercow, BiH has to decide how fast wants to go through that door. Proclaimed strategic interest of the UK is to strengthen security and stability in the region, as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself.

President Bercow said that Great Britain will continue to provide unconditional support to the policy of democratic bodies that are on the reform course and that direct efforts to connect BiH to the European Integration flows. He also added that in future British policy and assistance to BiH will be focused on the affirmation of the principles of the rule of law, strengthening and professionalization of the state institutions, the implementation of economic reforms, then the creation of a single economic area in BiH in accordance with the provisions of the Road Map, protection of human rights, implementation of the public administration reform and development of relations between BiH and its neighboring countries in the region as a condition for stability in the region of the South-East Europe.

Denis Bećirović, stressed the need for the two countries to further intensify economic co-operation, to attract British investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to increase the volume of trade.

Dr. Bećirović said that the investments would, in addition to increasing employment and expanding BiH production capacities, enable the transfer of technology, which in the medium term would certainly increase the competitiveness of the BiH economy. We are glad to have been recently involved in concrete and successful activities in this field, an example of which is the UK-BiH Investment Forum, held in April this year, in which British and international investors presented investment opportunities in BiH. These activities are the result of the commitment of the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized Bosnian diaspora and their Business Club which operates in the UK. On the other hand, British Business Club an informal association that promotes trade and investments between the United Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina is active in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, I believe that there is space for authorities of the two countries to have even stronger support for the actions of these and all other associations that create conditions for connecting entrepreneurs. (end)

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