
Members of the PA BiH delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean visited refugee camp in Amman within the framework of the Middle East mission

The first part of the three-day mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) in the Middle East, in which participated the members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PSBiH) in the PAM Šemsudin Mehmedović and Mirsad Isaković, was ended by the visit to the biggest camp of Syrian refugees "Al Zataari" in the capital of Jordan Amman.

Members of the Mission, which gathered more than thirty parliamentarians from 11 PAM members led by PAM Pedro Roque, met in Amman with the President of the Royal Court of Jordan and the Honorary President of the PAM Dr. Fayez Tarawneh, as well as Acting President of the Senate of Syria Dr. Marouf Al Bakhit.

During these meetings, talks were held on a peace initiative in the Middle East, launched with the aim of finding a lasting solution to the Israeli - Palestinian relations and the crisis in Syria. The theme of the conversation was the relations at the global political scene in the light of the changes in the top US administration, as well as the announcement of a possible suspension of the Russia-US ceasefire agreement in Syria.

Interlocutors agreed on the view that any solution based on violence was not acceptable. Mentioning the conflict over the Al-Aqsa mosque, the interlocutors expressed concern and pessimism regarding the finding of political solutions to crisis issues in the countries of the Middle East.

Participating in the discussion on the issue of refugee care, a member of the PA BiH Delegation in the PAM Mirsad Isaković thanked the countries and international organizations that helped Bosnia and Herzegovina in the most difficult moments. In this regard, Isaković said that our country is not able to help financially to a large number of refugees from the Middle East, but can convey the experience in dealing with this problem.

Inviting PAM representatives to provide full support to Syrian and Palestinian refugees, Isaković said that BiH's experiences have shown that the greatest concern of refugees is the uncertainty of surviving family members, which is why these people, except from help in housing, food, hygiene and health services, need also psychological support.

The PAM mission in the Middle East will continue in Ramallah, where parliamentarians will meet with highest Palestinian legislative officials and Palestinian Foreign Minister. (end)


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