
Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) in the South-East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly participated in the meeting of the SEECP PA Standing Committee

South-East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly(SEECP PA) Standing Committee meeting ended this weekend in Opatija after the adoption of the next year’s Action Plan and the Report of the General Committee on Economy, Energy and Infrastructure. The meeting was attended by Deputies Chairman of the Delegation of the PABiH in SEECP PA, Bariša Čolak and Momčilo Novaković, and a Member of the Delegation, Hanka Vajzović.

The schedule of SEECP PA Plenary sessions which will take place in Zagreb in June this year was also adopted at the meeting of the Standing Committee. The text of Final Declaration, which will be adopted at the SEECP PA plenary session, was finalized during the meeting in Opatija. Slovenia will take over the SEECP Chairmanship from Croatia after the Zagreb session. (End)

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